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Start journaling 🤓

Imagine a happier, more productive, more positive, more carefree, less stressed you. Now imagine all you have to do is pick up a pen for a few minutes a day and dash off your thoughts in a gratitude journal 📓

‼️It is absolutely, scientifically proven that expressing gratitude improves mental health, positivity, and overall well-being,
It, often unknowingly, re-shapes your perspective by making positive cognitive pathways more accessible.

🤍 The guided journal provides both structure and freedom. For each daily entry in the 5 Minute Journal, there are three wake-up questions and two before-bed questions.

In the morning, the prompts are designed to prime you for a positive, meaningful, and productive day.

They are:

1) What are you grateful for?
2) What would make today great?
3) A daily affirmation.

The combination requires you to take stock of what matters in your life, set an intention for your day and stay accountable to it, and to ingrain a mantra of the person you want to be with your daily affirmation. 

As you settle in at night, it's about reflection:

What are 3 amazing things that happened today? and how could I have made today even better?

These prompts enable you to end your day on a positive note. They stop you from running through the list of didn't-dos in bed, or torturing yourself with something you did wrong that day. Instead, you remember the great things and the beauty of your day. And, you ask yourself, with no judgment, 'What would have made it a little better?'