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Mom always told you to eat breakfast. But wolfing down a bagel or muffin as you sprint out the door isn't the nutrition she had in mind 🤓

That carbohydrate-rich meal tastes great, but you’ll be crashing in a few hours.
Sugar-and-starch combos boost energy temporarily because of the way our bodies process glucose (sugar).

Eating stimulates the pancreas to release the hormone insulin, which helps glucose enter your cells and gives you an energy burst.
A typical sugar-loaded breakfast puts too much glucose too quickly into the bloodstream. The cells can’t absorb it all, so excess glucose is converted to the molecule glycogen, which is stored in the liver and muscle tissue. That’s when blood sugar levels drop and you start to feel a lack of energy!
If glucose levels drop too much, your brain can get a little fuzzy and you can have trouble concentrating.

BOOST ENERGY: Start the day with whole grains and lean protein, which take longer to convert into glucose and can sustain energy levels for longer periods.


Too tired to work out? Whatever you do, DON’T skip it. Exercise will put spring in your step.

People who regularly complained of fatigue increased energy levels by 20% with regular, low-intensity exercise ☝🏼
You don’t have to run marathons. Even if you do low-intensity exercises, such as walking, cut fatigue levels!

BOOST ENERGY: Exercise every day, even for as little as 30 minutes.


It’s 4 p.m. and you need a wake-up call. A trip to the snack-room vending machine might perk you up, right? Wrong – that’s where you get burned.

A candy bar actually depletes energy in the long term.
Remember what happened with your sugar-coated breakfast? Candy, too, provides the boost but it’s quickly followed by a slump.

Watch out for “healthy” juices too, because they’re often loaded with sugar 😈
About 12 ounces of orange juice has 10 spoonfuls of sugar – the same as in 12 ounces of cola 😮😮😮

BOOST ENERGY: Choose high-fiber or protein snacks, like a slice of turkey wrapped around a carrot stick or celery stalk 😉

To be continued..