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1. Start your day with breakfast .

It is the most important meal of the day. After a long night's rest, your body needs the fuel to get your metabolism going and give you energy for the rest of the day.

2.Serve food onto individual plates, and leave the extras back at the stove .

Bowls of food on the table beg to be eaten, and it takes incredible will power not to dig in for seconds. Remember, it takes about 20 minutes for your mind to get the signal from your belly that you are full.

3. Eat slowly, chew every bite, and savor the taste of the food

Try resting your fork between bites and drinking plenty of water with your meals.

4.Don't eat after dinner 

This is where lots of folks pack on the extra pounds. If you are hungry, try satisfying your urge with a non-caloric beverage or a piece of hard candy. Brushing your teeth after dinner helps reduce the temptation to eat again.

5. If you snack during the day, treat the snack like a mini-meal .

The most nutritious snacks contain complex carbohydrates and a small amount of protein and fat.

And do you have any habits that help you to stay in shape? ⁣