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1. Find a Role Model

If you’re struggling to keep consistent, looking up to a role model can be your key to fitness motivation.

Often it’s not the lack of intention that hampers your fitness motivation, but the incorrect strategy and inefficient results.

Modelling the right person and strategy and seeing consistent results on a regular basis, will almost certainly boost your morale and keep you committed to working out 😉

2. Brush up Your Diet

If you have a regular habit of ordering junk food for lunch or dinner, then you’re most likely not going to regularly feel great in your own skin 😓

When you don’t feel great in your own body, your self-esteem and energy levels usually take a dip to suboptimal levels. The result will be lower to a complete loss of fitness motivation 🤷🏼‍♀️

Adding plenty of clean healthy foods to your diet, therefore, will help signal to the mitochondria in each one of your cells to produce more energy 🤌🏼☝🏼

The result will be a healthier, more vibrant you. As you feel greater and lighter in your body and mind, you will find fitness motivation much easier to come by 🤍

3. Mix it Up

Have you ever noticed that we are creatures of habit?

You may like setting a routine for yourself because you feel comfortable with what is known and familiar to you. That’s because deep down there’s something about uncertainty that scares you.

It’s normal, most humans are uncomfortable with uncertainty 🤷🏼‍♀️

In fact, most of your daily routines tend to follow a repetitive cycle and your exercise routine most likely is no exception to that.

As you get used to one activity, your mind is quick to memorize it and switch on your autopilot function every time you workout. As a result you’re unlikely to experience any new emotional thrill or motivation 🥲🥲🥲

…..And since emotions run life, we need to experience change and uncertainty to experience new positive emotions 😍

So try to mix up your weekly exercise habits. Once you’ve found those activities you love doing, start incorporating a few of those into your week.

For example, if you’re used to simply jogging everyday for 30 minutes, try to cut it down to 3 times a week and on the other days fit in activities such as weight training, swimming and/or yoga, to name a few 😇

The choices are endless!🙌🏼

If after a few months that too gets stale, mix the routine up again. Either change the order and frequency of your exercise schedule or change the schedule and exercises altogether.

Choose whatever triggers your mind to experience change and something new in your routine 😍💪🏻