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Are you struggling to find the motivation to stick to a workout routine? Well, the truth is motivation is easily lost when life gets tough or you don’t work at it on a regular basis.

There are 3 ways to find fitness motivation you need to get you back on track:

1. Link Exercise to Pleasure

Most of the time, people start exercising without ultimately knowing the emotional reason behind wanting to exercise 😮

‘I want to lose weight’. Sure, but why do you want to lose weight?

Maybe because you want to feel great or feel strong and healthy in your own body 💪🏻

Well feel those feelings.

All you have to do is set yourself and maintain a strong underlying positive purpose behind your exercise routine and your mind will start to register the positive feelings of your vision every time you workout.

Just like any habit, the more you feel the positive feelings of the goal you want to achieve, the more results you will see 😉

2. Find What You Like

It’s important that you like what you’re doing if you want to find the fitness motivation to really get going 🤪

Your problem may be that you’re simply not aware of the different ways your body can exercise.

Exercise should be fun to begin with. If it isn’t, then you are limiting yourself to the wrong activity 😓

There are literally hundreds of different sports and exercises to choose from. Try exploring different fitness avenues until you find a few activities you best love doing 🤍

3. Seek an Accountability Partner

It’s easy to miss or skip a workout when the only person you report to is yourself.

Chances are you’re not so likely to get up at 6am on a cold rainy day to train if you’re nicely snuggled in bed and prone to laziness.

Why? because we’re conditioned to avoid pain if nothing challenges us 🤓 

That’s where an accountability partner or personal trainer can come in handy to you.

When you are committed to showing up and have someone waiting for you, you won’t want the embarrassment of having to say sorry for having slept in, right? 😉